Missing my Father

Missing my Father

This week I stopped by Katzen Eye Group to have my eyes looked at. I was having some double vision in my right eye and that scared me. While I was in the examination room waiting for the Dr I started listening to old voicemails and I found one from my father. It was him telling me to take care of myself because a lot of people depend on me. I was so happy to hear his voice but as usual it made me cry. My Dr came in the room as I was recovering and asked me what was wrong. When I told him I missed my father who had recently passed away he asked how long it had been. When I said it passed a few weeks ago the Dr looked at me and said. “I lost my father 2 years ago and the pain is like it was yesterday, I don’t think I will ever recover from losing my father”. Don’t worry dad – I will be ok but I do miss you a lot. I like listening to your voice so I do play that voicemail more often then I probably should…….

I guess I should end by saying my right eye needs a laser touch up to fix the issue but this is fairly common after cataract surgery so it’s really no big deal.


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